Year Round Eggnog Latte | Starbucks Secret Menu

year round eggnog latte

Year Round Eggnog Latte | Starbucks Secret Menu

The no-more-eggnog-latte scare has brought to light just how much of a cherished tradition it is. The holiday beverage has been a part of Starbucks seasonal menu since 1986, and for many of us is a beloved treat we look forward to all year round.

With so much backlash over the missing holiday menu item, Starbucks has decided to sprawl into recovery mode and bring back the Eggnog Latte yet again this season! Having the ingredients delivered to stores will take time though, up until November 17th or even later to reach all locations.

We have a solution though!

Although Eggnog is a seasonal ingredient, we’ve had several Baristas write in with a taste-a-like recipe that luckily, can be ordered all year round! While it isn’t an exact dupe, the flavors are similar and it could tide you over until the Eggnog arrives, or after the holidays are over if you aren’t quite ready to let go yet.

As with the Eggnog Latte, you can order this recipe hot, iced or in Frappuccino form!

How to order (Latte):

  • Chai Latte
  • Add caramel syrup (1 pump tall, 2 grande, 3 venti)

How to order (Iced):

  • Iced Chai Latte
  • Add caramel syrup (2 pumps tall, 3 grande, 4 venti)

How to order (Frappuccino):

  • Chai Frappuccino
  • Add caramel syrup (2 pumps tall, 3 grande, 4 venti)
  • Top with whipped cream and cinnamon dolce sprinkles


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